Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Immigration Projected Policy And Personal Stance Essay

Immigration: Projected Policy and Personal Stance Introduction Policies are pivotal implementations put in place by the government on local, state, and federal levels. There are endless amounts of policies enacted by the American government, with many of these policies directly influencing the lives of citizens. As the 2016 Presidential Election draws near, understanding the policies projected by each presidential candidate is essential to making an educated decision when it comes to voting for the future condition of the United States. The two primary candidates for the upcoming election, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton propose policies and plans that are in opposition to one another. One of the policies that is receiving a great deal of attention in the media right now is the issue of immigration. This issue poses a difficult question regarding how to address the presence of illegal immigrants in the United States. On one hand, immigration supports the rights of immigrants, but on the other hand, this policy limits opportunities for Americans . Due to my lack of knowledge in the area of immigration, I have decided to further investigate this issue in order to understand how Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton plan to address immigration if they are elected to office. Each candidate has plentiful ideas regarding immigration that will result in a number of benefits and/or consequences for both Americans and immigrants. Besides solely looking at the positions held by theShow MoreRelatedShould Immigration Be Legal Or Not?2495 Words   |  10 Pages5/25/16 Draft 2 Research Paper Introduction Immigration, whether legal or not, plays a huge role in the well-being of this country, both economically and culturally. 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